Think about the moment that you first started your iPod (or other music listening device). It instantly took you away to your own world. You are in control of exactly what you are listening to.
I am not quite sure what I would do without my iPod. In fact, just last night I went to turn mine on and the battery was dead. You know that feeling when your iPod is dead? It is kind of like the feeling when you bite into a mystery chocolate and you are hoping for caramel and all you get Elmer's glue. Or when you try to go online and the internet is dead. (These are lame examples, I know).
In some ways, I feel like my iPod is another apendage, like an arm or a foot. I often times ask myself what I would rather give up, my iPod or my camera (for the record, the answer is neither, I often times use both at the same time). I don't want to sound shallow here, but my iPod is definitely one of my favorite... things.
We really want to get one. I almost bought one yesterday for Aaron's V-day gift, but decided against it. Soon though. Very soon.
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